
Create a Django Project

First you need to install the django and polaris python packages.

pip install django django-polaris

Then you can create a project template using the following command.

django-admin startproject anchor

You should have a project that looks like this:


Configure Settings

Add the following to INSTALLED_APPS in


Add CorsMiddleware to your settings.MIDDLEWARE. It should be listed above other middleware that can return responses such as CommonMiddleware.


Polaris will accept requests from all origins to its endpoints. It does this by adding corsheaders signal that checks the request URI. However this does not change the CORS policy for any other endpoint on the server. You can change this functionality using the settings listed in the corsheaders documentation.

Set Environment Variables

Polaris has many different environment varibles that can be used to customize your service’s configuration and behavior. A comprehensive list can be found in the Glossary, but we’ll only define whats required for now.

Create a .env file in the upper anchor/ directory.

touch anchor/.env

Enter the following variables.


Add Polaris Endpoints

Add Polaris’ endpoints in

import polaris.urls
from django.urls import path, include

urlpatterns = [
    path("", include(polaris.urls)),

Configure the Database

Polaris works with all databases supported by Django. Django’s template code uses SQLite3 by default, but you can install your database driver of choice and update the DATABASES setting appropriately if you’d like.

Once configured, run migrations to create these tables in your database.

python migrate

You should see Django successfully apply each migration file. If an ImproperlyConfigured exception is raised, ensure all of the previous steps were performed correctly.

Run the Web Server

We can now run the Django development web server.

python anchor/ runserver

If you navigate to http://localhost:8000 you should see Django’s default home page for development.

Next, we’ll begin creating our anchor by publishing a Stellar TOML file.