Source code for polaris.sep10.token

from jwt import decode
from jwt.exceptions import InvalidTokenError
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from typing import Union, Dict, Optional

from stellar_sdk import Keypair, MuxedAccount
from stellar_sdk.strkey import StrKey
from stellar_sdk.exceptions import (

from polaris import settings

[docs]class SEP10Token: """ An object representing the authenticated session of the client. This object will be passed to every integration function that is called within the a request containing the JWT in the `Authorization` header. """ _REQUIRED_FIELDS = {"iss", "sub", "iat", "exp"} def __init__(self, jwt: Union[str, Dict]): if isinstance(jwt, str): try: jwt = decode(jwt, settings.SERVER_JWT_KEY, algorithms=["HS256"]) except InvalidTokenError as e: raise ValueError("unable to decode jwt" + str(e)) elif not isinstance(jwt, Dict): raise ValueError( "invalid type for 'jwt' parameter: must be a string or dictionary" ) if not self._REQUIRED_FIELDS.issubset(set(jwt.keys())): raise ValueError( f"jwt is missing one of the required fields: {', '.join(self._REQUIRED_FIELDS)}" ) memo = None stellar_account = None if jwt["sub"].startswith("M"): try: StrKey.decode_muxed_account(jwt["sub"]) except (MuxedEd25519AccountInvalidError, ValueError): raise ValueError(f"invalid muxed account address: {jwt['sub']}") elif ":" in jwt["sub"]: try: stellar_account, memo = jwt["sub"].split(":") except ValueError: raise ValueError(f"improperly formatted 'sub' value: {jwt['sub']}") else: stellar_account = jwt["sub"] if stellar_account: try: Keypair.from_public_key(stellar_account) except Ed25519PublicKeyInvalidError: raise ValueError(f"invalid Stellar public key: {jwt['sub']}") if memo: try: int(memo) except ValueError: raise ValueError( f"invalid memo in 'sub' value, expected 64-bit integer: {memo}" ) try: iat = datetime.fromtimestamp(jwt["iat"], tz=timezone.utc) except (OSError, ValueError, OverflowError): raise ValueError("invalid iat value") try: exp = datetime.fromtimestamp(jwt["exp"], tz=timezone.utc) except (OSError, ValueError, OverflowError): raise ValueError("invalid exp value") now = if now < iat or now > exp: raise ValueError("jwt is no longer valid") client_domain = jwt.get("client_domain") if ( client_domain and urlparse(f"https://{client_domain}").netloc != client_domain ): raise ValueError("'client_domain' must be a hostname") self._payload = jwt @property def account(self) -> str: """ The Stellar account (`G...`) authenticated. Note that a muxed account could have been authenticated, in which case `Token.muxed_account` should be used. """ if self._payload["sub"].startswith("M"): return MuxedAccount.from_account(self._payload["sub"]).account_id elif ":" in self._payload["sub"]: return self._payload["sub"].split(":")[0] else: return self._payload["sub"] @property def muxed_account(self) -> Optional[str]: """ The M-address specified in the payload's ``sub`` value, if present """ return self._payload["sub"] if self._payload["sub"].startswith("M") else None @property def memo(self) -> Optional[int]: """ The memo included with the payload's ``sub`` value, if present """ return ( int(self._payload["sub"].split(":")[1]) if ":" in self._payload["sub"] else None ) @property def issuer(self) -> str: """ The principal that issued a token, RFC7519, Section 4.1.1 — a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the issuer ( or """ return self._payload["iss"] @property def issued_at(self) -> datetime: """ The time at which the JWT was issued RFC7519, Section 4.1.6 - represented as a UTC datetime object """ return datetime.fromtimestamp(self._payload["iat"], tz=timezone.utc) @property def expires_at(self) -> datetime: """ The expiration time on or after which the JWT will not accepted for processing, RFC7519, Section 4.1.4 — represented as a UTC datetime object """ return datetime.fromtimestamp(self._payload["exp"], tz=timezone.utc) @property def client_domain(self) -> Optional[str]: """ A nonstandard JWT claim containing the client's home domain, included if the challenge transaction contained a ``client_domain`` ManageData operation """ return self._payload.get("client_domain") @property def payload(self) -> dict: """ The decoded contents of the JWT string """ return self._payload