
Simply add the SEP to your ACTIVE_SEPS list in

ACTIVE_SEPS = ["sep-1", "sep-10", ...]


Every anchor must define a stellar.toml file to describe the anchors’s supported assets, any validators that are run, and other meta data. Polaris provides a default function that returns the assets supported by your server, but you’ll almost certainly need to replace this default to provide more detailed information.


Replace this function with another by passing it to register_integrations() as described in Registering Integrations.

The function you pass to the toml parameter should return a dictionary containing any of the following top level keys: DOCUMENTATION - CURRENCIES - PRINCIPALS - VALIDATORS

You can also pass other top-level keys defined in the Account Info section such as VERSION, but many of these keys are pre-populated based on the variables defined in your .env file, so this isn’t strictly necessary.

See SEP-1 for more information on the stellar.toml format.

Returns:a dictionary containing the fields defined in SEP-1