Source code for polaris.integrations.transactions

from typing import Dict, List

from django.db.models import QuerySet

from polaris.models import Transaction

[docs]class DepositIntegration: """ The container class for deposit integration functions. Subclasses must be registered with Polaris by passing it to :func:`polaris.integrations.register_integrations`. """
[docs] @classmethod def poll_pending_deposits(cls, pending_deposits: QuerySet ) -> List[Transaction]: """ **OVERRIDE REQUIRED** This function should poll the financial entity for the state of all `pending_deposits` transactions and return the ones ready to be executed on the Stellar network. For every transaction that is returned, Polaris will submit it to the Stellar network. If a transaction was completed on the network, the overridable :meth:`after_deposit` function will be called, however overriding this function is optional. If the Stellar network is unable to execute a transaction returned from this function, it's status will be marked as ``pending_stellar`` and its ``status_message`` attribute will be assigned a description of the problem that occurred. `pending_deposits` is a QuerySet of the form :: Transactions.object.filter( kind=Transaction.KIND.deposit, status=Transaction.STATUS.pending_user_transfer_start ) If you have many pending deposits, you may way want to batch the retrieval of these objects to improve query performance and memory usage. :param pending_deposits: a django Queryset for pending Transactions """ raise NotImplementedError( "`poll_transactions` must be implemented to process deposits" )
[docs] @classmethod def after_deposit(cls, transaction: Transaction): """ Use this function to perform any post-processing of `transaction` after its been executed on the Stellar network. This could include actions such as updating other django models in your project or emailing users about completed deposits. Overriding this function is not required. :param transaction: a :class:`polaris.models.Transaction` that was executed on the Stellar network """ pass
[docs]class WithdrawalIntegration: """ The container class for withdrawal integration functions Subclasses must be registered with Polaris by passing it to :func:`polaris.integrations.register_integrations`. """
[docs] @classmethod def process_withdrawal(cls, response: Dict, transaction: Transaction): """ .. _endpoint: **OVERRIDE REQUIRED** This method should implement the transfer of the amount of the anchored asset specified by `transaction` to the user who requested the withdrawal. If an error is raised from this function, the transaction's status will be changed to ``error`` and its ``status_message`` will be assigned to the message raised with the exception. :param response: a response body returned from Horizon for the transactions for account endpoint_ :param transaction: a :class:`polaris.models.Transaction` instance to process """ raise NotImplementedError( "`process_withdrawal` must be implemented to process withdrawals" )
registered_deposit_integration = DepositIntegration() registered_withdrawal_integration = WithdrawalIntegration()