Source code for polaris.integrations

import sys
from polaris.integrations.forms import TransactionForm
from polaris.integrations.transactions import (DepositIntegration,

[docs]def register_integrations(deposit: DepositIntegration = None, withdrawal: WithdrawalIntegration = None): """ Registers instances of user-defined subclasses of :class:`.WithdrawalIntegration` and :class:`.DepositIntegration` with Polaris. Call this function in the relevant Django AppConfig.ready() function: :: from django.apps import AppConfig class PolarisIntegrationApp(AppConfig): name = 'Polaris Integration' verbose_name = name def ready(self): from polaris.integrations import register_integrations from myapp.integrations import (MyDepositIntegration, MyWithdrawalIntegration) register_integrations( deposit=MyDepositIntegration(), withdrawal=MyWithdrawalIntegration() ) These integration classes provide a structured interface for implementing user-defined logic used by Polaris, specifically for deposit and withdrawal flows. See the integration classes for more information on implementation. :param deposit: the :class:`.DepositIntegration` subclass instance to be used by Polaris :param withdrawal: the :class:`WithdrawalIntegration` subclass instance to be used by Polaris :raises ValueError: missing argument(s) :raises TypeError: arguments are not subclasses of DepositIntegration or Withdrawal """ this = sys.modules[__name__] if not (deposit or withdrawal): raise ValueError("Must pass at least one integration class") elif deposit and not issubclass(deposit.__class__, DepositIntegration): raise TypeError("deposit must be a subclass of DepositIntegration") elif withdrawal and not issubclass(withdrawal.__class__, WithdrawalIntegration): raise TypeError("withdrawal must be a subclass of WithdrawalIntegration") for obj, attr in [(deposit, "registered_deposit_integration"), (withdrawal, "registered_withdrawal_integration")]: if obj: setattr(this, attr, obj)