

Add the following variables environment variables file:

SIGNING_SEED="<stellar secret key of signing keypair>"
SERVER_JWT_KEY="<secret string for JWT encoding>"

SIGNING_SEED is the secret key of the keypair used to sign challenge transactions. If SEP-1 is also active, its public key will be added to your SEP-1 TOML file under SIGNING_KEY.

SERVER_JWT_KEY should be a secret string for encoding JWT tokens.

Do not check either of these strings into version control.

SEP10_HOME_DOMAINS is an optional environment variable that should contain the home domains of the services accepting authentication tokens issued by Polaris’ SEP-10 implementation. By default it contains a single domain: the domain portion of HOST_URL. If services not hosted on HOST_URL’s domain want to accept SEP-10 tokens issued by Polaris, the domains of those services must also be listed in SEP10_HOME_DOMAINS.,

Add SEP-10 to your list of active SEPs in

POLARIS_ACTIVE_SEPS = ["sep-1", "sep-10", ...]


There are no integrations for SEP-10. It just works.