
SEP-12 defines a standard way for stellar wallets to upload KYC (or other) information to anchors.


Simply add the SEP to your POLARIS_ACTIVE_SEPS list in

POLARIS_ACTIVE_SEPS = ["sep-1", "sep-12", ...]


Polaris is not opinionated about how anchors store customer information. Instead, it simply passes the necessary information to the integration functions outlined below for you to use.

polaris.integrations.CustomerIntegration.get(self, params: Dict[KT, VT]) → Dict[KT, VT]

Return a dictionary matching the response schema outlined in SEP-12 GET /customer based on the params passed. The key-value pairs in params match the arguments sent in the request with the exception of sep10_client_account. This parameter was added in preparation for a future change. For now, sep10_client_account will always match account.

Raise a ValueError if the parameters are invalid, or raise an ObjectDoesNotExist exception if the customer specified via the id parameter does not exist. An error response with the appropriate status will be sent using the message passed to the exception.

Parameters:params – request parameters as described in SEP-12
polaris.integrations.CustomerIntegration.put(self, params: Dict[KT, VT]) → str

Update or create a record of the customer information passed. This information can then later be queried for when a client requests a deposit or withdraw on behalf of the customer.

If the information passed in params is invalid in some way, raise a ValueError for Polaris to return a 400 Bad Request response to the client. The message contained in the exception will be passed as the error message in the response. If the request specified a customer id in the request body but a record with that ID doesn’t exist, raise a django.exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist exception. Polaris will return a 404 response.

Return a customer ID that clients can use in future requests, such as a GET /customer request or a SEP-31 POST /transactions request. If the request included an id parameter, make sure the same id is returned.

If the required information is provided and the customer has Transaction objects in the pending_customer_info_update status, all such Transaction.status values should be updated to pending_receiver. Polaris will then call the execute_outgoing_transaction integration function for each updated transaction.

Parameters:params – request parameters as described in SEP-12
polaris.integrations.CustomerIntegration.delete(self, account: str, memo: Optional[str], memo_type: Optional[str])

Delete the record of the customer specified by account, memo, and memo_type. If such a record does not exist, raise a ObjectDoesNotExist exception for Polaris to return a 404 Not Found response.

  • account – the stellar account associated with the customer
  • memo – the optional memo used to create the customer
  • memo_type – the optional type of the memo used to create to the customer
polaris.integrations.CustomerIntegration.more_info_url(self, account: str, memo: Optional[str] = None, memo_type: Optional[str] = None) → str

Return a URL the client can open in a browser to view the status of their account with the anchor. This URL will be returned in a SEP-6 Customer Information Status response. This is optional.

  • account – the stellar account for the url to be returned
  • memo – the memo used to identify the user within a shared Stellar account
  • memo_type – the type of memo (text, hash, or id)